Open trainings
The trialogical freely accessible trainings impart theory and practice of Experience Focused Counseling with voice hearers (aka Making Sense of Voices or Working with Voices or Maastricht Approach). The efc methods are suitable for recovery focused work with people who hear voices and/or have similar experiences (like visions, unshared realities, etc.) independently of a particular diagnosis or whether a diagnosis exists at all. The events are aimed trialogically consciously at voice-hearing persons, relatives and professionals.
New publication: The Practical Handbook of Hearing Voices
The Practical Handbook of Hearing Voices. Therapeutic and Creative Approaches (Parker, Schnackenberg, Hopfenbeck (Hrsg.) (2021))
Experience Focussed Counselling (efc)
Efc is a psychosocial counselling approach developed by Professor Dr Marius Romme and Dr Sandra Escher at the University of Maastricht, Netherlands, which was first published in English in 2000. The psychiatrist Romme and his colleague Escher developed their counselling approach on the basis of many years of therapeutic and counselling practice, as well as scientific studies with voice hearers.

Insights into the nature of efc work
Get to know us in a short training session. We would also be happy to come to your facility for a lecture or an informational event. You will get an insight into our work and can then decide to organize an internal training in your institution. You are also welcome to get to know us at one of our training courses in Hanover.
Dr. Joachim Schnackenberg
Selection of publications by trainers of the efc Institute or by Prof Dr Marius Romme and Dr Dr Escher and other partners.